Team Dynamics Blueprint – Me and the Management Team

Blog Team Dynamics Blueprint – Me and the Management Team

Picture of Ricardo Vega Certified Perceptual Style Guide at Your Talent Advantage

Last month I authored a blog titled Me and My Manager (Team Dynamics Blueprint – Me and my manager) which was prompted by an unexpected gift from Charlie, a former customer of ours.


Charlie had been hired by Max to run a department that was not producing the level of results expected by the company. During the interview process, Max and Charlie connected quickly. Their conversation was easy, and both felt as if they had known each other for a long time rather than just meeting. They discovered they shared a common management style. It seemed like a perfect fit. Yet during the probation period, Max felt that Charlie was not “fitting in” as he had expected and suggested that Charlie participate in the Team Dynamics Blueprint along with Max and his five other direct reports.

Each of the participants completed the Perceptual Style Assessment and the Recognized Strengths Profile assessment. Each person received individual feedback about their Perceptual style and their strengths.

Then each participant received a customized Team Dynamics Blueprint written from the perspective of their own Perceptual Style. The blueprint focused on group dynamics and communication, highlighting connection strengths and possible challenges. The report also provided practical tips and techniques for improving the management team.

In this blog, I would like to concentrate on one section of the blueprint, entitled “Team Perceptual Style Interaction Highlights”, specifically on the relationships between Charlie and the other management team members.

First impressions among Charlie’s peers, unfortunately, set Charlie back a few steps during his first couple of months. They saw him as weak and a “yes” man who would not stand up to Ken and this led to concerns that Charlie’s group might not perform as well as the other groups expected. Part of this concern stemmed from the fact that Charlie was a 180-degree change from the “gung-ho”, “take no prisoners” style of Sally (the woman he replaced).

After each participant had reviewed their individual blueprints, the group met together to discuss the insights they had gained. It was a lively discussion as participants easily related to their own results, recognized and acknowledged the strengths and differences between each other, and found humor in remembering previous disconnects that now made sense. This led them into a very productive conversation about how they could fine-tune their interactions and work assignments to capitalize more on each person’s strengths and how to improve their support for each other.

Here's an excerpt from Charlie’s blueprint:


Working With the Management Team

Team Member

Perceptual Style







































Four of the six Perceptual Styles are present in the management team. However five of the team members have Neighbor styles – three individuals are Adjustments (you, Anne, and Scott) and two are Methods (Peter and Steven).

Working with people of the same Perceptual Stye and a Neighbor Perceptual Style does not ensure a conflict-free management team, but the similarity in views of the world will make Perceptual Style communication between you all smooth with few “stylistic” communication issues or conflicts. You should be able to build solid working relationships with each other.

The most prevalent stylistic disconnects between the Adjustments and Methods management team members will be the Adjustment need for full context vs the Methods focus on singular facts and the Adjustment preference for compromise to reach the end objective vs Methods preference for rule enforcement.

Because of the strong Adjustment and Methods representation on the management team, you all will find it fairly easy to establish the routine, consistent, and stable management environment that Ken wants.

The management team has ample Perceptual Style strengths to create an operational atmosphere that is rational in its approach as well as efficient and effective in its function. Deviations from expectations will be quickly noted and analyzed. This attention to detail will help Ken and the management team to discern what needs to be adjusted and how to do so.

Two of the management team members have Perceptual Styles that are Opposite or One-Off to you (Antonio is Vision, Sarah is Goals).

Vision is the Opposite Perceptual Style to you and the two other Adjustment folks and One-Off with the two team members who are Methods. What Vision brings to the table is opportunistic problem solving and a “big picture” perspective that is a valuable litmus test to ensure solutions to immediate issues are in alignment with overall objectives.

Because you and Antonio are Opposites, areas of conflict will be obvious to you. One key area of disconnect will be what you experience as his tendency to move towards action without a complete understanding of the details of a situation, issue, or problem. You see complexity, nuance, and hidden meaning, and you’ll be frustrated by his inability to follow you. Keep in mind that he will be frustrated by what he perceives as your focus on process and the need for complete information rather than results.

Goals is a One-Off to you, Scott, and Anne, and a Neighbor to Peter and Steven. Being One-Off, it will be obvious to both you and Sarah that you see things differently. What Goals brings to your team is a preference for quick, bold decisions, an awareness of when procedures and methodology have become stale, and a focus on simple, straightforward solutions that move toward action. You will find these challenging.

The One-Off dynamics can also create conflictual team dynamics. The Methods members of the management team will be able to connect and communicate easily with both the Adjustments and Goals members, but when they connect with one style, those with the other Perceptual Style may feel left out or misunderstood. Specifically, as Peter and Steven connect with you, Anne, and Scott on process, procedure, repeatability, and accurate information, Sarah may well feel that her focus on quick, bold, and direct solutions is being ignored. When Peter and Steven connect with Sarah around simple, straightforward solutions that move towards action, you, Anne and Scott may feel that data, information, and precision is being abandoned for the sake of expediency.

Vision and Goals are next-door Neighbors, and they will be able to connect on the need for decisions and taking action. With everyone else being Methods and Adjustments, there may be times when Antonio and Sarah feel frustrated by a perceived lack of action or commitment to a decision by the other team members.

Given that Vision and Goals are in the minority on the management team, it’s possible that there will be times they will be seen as contrary or oppositional when they don’t jump on board with the majority. It is unlikely that the rest of the team will ever experience those same feelings of being out of step with the team as a whole.

Having Vision and Goals Perceptual Styles on the management team will be very helpful to counter the creative stagnation that can occur within a team with homogeneous Perceptual Styles.

With so many management team members close together in Perceptual Styles, the easy agreement and communication between you can mask what is missing.

While too much Perceptual Style diversity can create constant communication issues and conflict that can be disruptive, some diversity adds a missing perspective that is valuable and useful.

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About Ricardo

Ricardo Vega is the Director of Operations at Vega Behavioral Consulting, Ltd. and a certified Perceptual Style Guide. He has over 40 years of experience in technology, product and project delivery, disaster recovery, and team coaching. He specializes in helping entrepreneurs and teams with Product Planning & Delivery, Team Building, and Change Management.  

Additional information about Ricardo

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