Adjustments Perceptual Style
(Please click on the picture above to see a three minute presentation on the Adjustments Perceptual Style)
Pam’s Perceptual Style™ is ADJUSTMENTS. Here are just a few of Pam’s core traits:
Social Interaction is essential to life. Pam enjoys social situations with a small number of people involved to make meaningful conversation possible. In large gatherings, she is comfortable observing the interactions of others and waiting patiently for a conversation to unfold that interests her before engaging in direct conversation.
Communication is vital. As an Adjustments, Pam is a careful and competent communicator who effectively uses nuance, refinement, and precision in language.
Self-motivation spurs action. Pam is motivated by the opportunity to acquire knowledge for herself and to share knowledge with others. She wants to understand the observable world as thoroughly as possible and believes this can be accomplished if given the time to study, examine, and explore.
Some conflict in life is inevitable. Pam views conflict as irrational and unsettling. She believes conflict is unnecessary and occurs because the people in contention possess inadequate knowledge.
Change is constant. Pam recognizes the inevitability of change. She prefers to approach change incrementally, proceeding through well-defined steps to a well-defined objective.
Real leadership success happens from the inside out. Pam leads most effectively with objective observation and data rather than immersion in the fray. She leads by providing others with clarification, explanation, and illumination of reality.
Persuasion is a critical life skill. Pam persuades with patient explanation, conveying the superiority of her point of view in conversation.
Do you relate to Pam?
Do you think you might be ADJUSTMENTS?
Find out for sure. It’s never been easier to discover your Perceptual Style and the many natural strengths you possess!
The Internet-based Celebrate You! assessment only takes half an hour or so to complete and if you are interrupted, you can save your answers and continue at a later time. All the questions are neutral and noninvasive: you’ll be asked to rate which adjectives you most identify with, creating a highly accurate psychological portrait. And best of all, you’ll receive your results and the Celebrate You! action guide within a few minutes after you submit your assessment.
Your Adjustments Perceptual Style plays a key role in your Success
It’s a fact. People truly do perceive the world differently, and this differing perception leads to different conclusions about what is important, how things should be done, and what is the “truth” of any situation.
Perceptual Style Theory™, created by Gary M. Jordan, PhD, and Lynda-Ross Vega, defines six unique Perceptual Styles.
Perceptual Style represents a unique grouping of fundamental aspects of being human that results in a distinctive experience and characteristic behaviors.
Have you met all of our Perceptual Style representatives? Press the blue tabs below to read about each specific Perceptual Style.
Each of the characters above represent a Perceptual Style, Please click on the blue boxes to obtain a brief introduction to each Perceptual Style
Which Perceptual Style/Personality did you identify with the most?
Not Sure? you like to get a taste of what your Perceptual Style and a few of your strengths may be?
We’ve created an introductory sample assessment just for YOU!
The more you know about your Perceptual Style, the more you can tap into your natural strengths and potential. That’s because there’s an extensive but finite set of skills and behaviors that naturally align with each Perceptual Style.
The alignment of skills and behaviors with Perceptual Style exists because people naturally see the things associated with their Perceptual Style. Those things are easy for them to grasp, understand, and use.
Awareness of the other five Perceptual Styles and how they differ from you provides incredible insights about your relationships with family and friends.
The truth is, what you see is real for you but what others see is real for them. We all use the filter of perception to make meaning for ourselves.
All six Perceptual Styles are normal and healthy ways of perceiving the world. None is better than or more accurate in its perception than any other. Each has unique strengths and specific blind spots. All shine in some situations and struggle in others.
Let's take a basic everyday activity like "Communications" and look at a few of the strengths of each Perceptual Style:
You are an engaging communicator. You charm with an anecdotal and personal style that draws others in.
You are sensitive to the reactions and responses of others and rapidly adjust your speech, posture, and mannerisms to make them feel comfortable.
You communicate with stories and anecdotes to build a sense of shared experience, history, and communality.
Your writing style, like your speech, is impressionistic, personal, and persuasive.
You are a careful and competent communicator who effectively uses nuance, refinement, and precision in language.
You provide minimal immediate response or feedback when listening but grasp both the literal and symbolic meaning of others’ communication.
The tone of your communication is formal and precise and uses complex words and sentence construction.
Your writing is well-researched, content-rich, complex, and lengthy.
You are a careful communicator, ensuring you’ve thought about what you want to say before you say it.
You respond thoughtfully after you have had time to reflect on the deeper meanings implied by the content of what you have heard.
You often use metaphors and symbolic language to convey relationally complex and challenging subjects.
Your writing is contextual, personal, and experientially detailed.
You are a strong and confident communicator. You speak with clarity and strength of opinion.
You will frequently interrupt another speaker to ask for clarification and to demand facts to support the speaker’s opinion, key point, or conclusion.
You make decisions quickly and change tactics rapidly based on new, relevant information you gather in your conversations.
Your writing style is brief, to the point, and captures no more information than is necessary to provide the essentials
You are a matter-of-fact communicator who uses clear, factual language to present the realities of a situation.
You believe the facts speak for themselves and see no need to add opinions, judgments, reactions, or feelings.
You say what you mean, mean what you say, and expect others to do the same.
Your writing is well organized, factual, and clear. You present your information in a logical and structured manner that is easy to read and easy to follow.
You are a dramatic and persuasive communicator.
You are sensitive to your audience and rely on humor and passion to influence and persuade.
You are an excellent extemporaneous speaker who will speak on any subject and enjoy any opportunity to express your ideas.
As a writer, you focus on the bottom line and use visual information, simple language, and bullet points to emphasize your message.
Now that you have seen the effect Perceptual Style has on "Communication"...just think what it can do for you in the following areas:
Your Perceptual Experience and the core strengths that support that experience.
The social surroundings, situations and environments you THRIVE in.
The Keys to Motivation that enthuse and inspire you to take action.
Your Perspective on Change and the unique skills set that allows you to initiate, recognize, and adapt to change.
How your Time Orientation brings perspective to your actions.
Your Approach to Conflict and the core strengths you possess to deal with opposition, arguments and disputes.
Your Learning Preferences and how to apply them to maximize your knowledge and skill growth.
Your natural strengths related to Persuasion and how you motivate others to take action or agree with your point of view.
Your Leadership strengths that allow you to effectively inspire and guide others.
How your Perceptual Style differs from other Perceptual Styles and what that means for you (this is the real gold for great relationships).
No other assessment or self-awareness book provides this much detail or practical application
Personal Empowerment in your daily life
Life is too short not to enjoy it fully.
There are people anxious to tell you what you should do better and that if you only try harder, you can improve and find enjoyment and happiness.
While doing your best and striving to improve are admirable goals, the trick is to make sure you are focused on your natural gifts and talents…not someone else's.
So how do you know what your natural gifts and talents are? The Celebrate You! assessment and action guide!
You’ll discover your natural strengths in critical life skills that you use every day:
Collaboration: Teamwork and Cooperation
Interacting in cooperation with others is a fundamental part of life, and it's a critical ingredient for families, friendships, school activities, and work and social environments. Practically every aspect of your life is an opportunity for collaboration.
Collaboration is at the core of participating in community—whether that community is your family, workplace, friends, or other groups of people.
Yet collaboration can be very challenging because we must deal with people who see things differently than we do and have different strengths and weaknesses. to learn more about the role that Your Perceptual Style plays in your approach to Collaboration.
Personal relationships can be the most challenging relationships – but you already know that! From a special someone, life partner, or spouse, to parents, children, siblings, grandparents and extended family, these are the people who form the inner circle of our lives, the people we love.
We expect more from our personal relationships than our friendships or work relationships because the emotional bonds are stronger and are built on shared experience that grow over time. These are the people we look to for love, understanding, trust, loyalty, respect, kindness, forgiveness, shared values, companionship, affection, attention, sympathy, encouragement, acceptance. That’s a lot of pressure to put on a relationship! It’s no wonder these relationships need extra attention and commitment.
One fascinating aspect of personal relationships many people overlook is related to Perceptual Style. It’s very likely your loved ones won’t share the same Perceptual Style you do. to learn more about the role that Your Perceptual Style plays in your relationships.
We all want to be understood. So, we search for the right words and the right tone to convey our message. We often fail to recognize that each of us has a built-in communication filter and because of that filter, what we mean isn't always what others hear and vice versa.
Disconnects in communication happen to all of us. It’s not because we’re not smart enough, and it’s not because other people aren’t smart enough. It’s not because you aren’t listening or trying to connect. It’s because the words you choose, the meaning you intend, and the triggers you hear are influenced by your Perceptual Style.
Words are a code we put on our thoughts and ideas in order to communicate our intention and meaning to others. The code you use daily to speak, write, and listen is highly dependent on how you perceive the world. to learn more about the role that Your Perceptual Style plays in your communications.
Adaptability (a.k.a "Change")
Change is constant; it's part of your daily life. There are changes in the weather, the economy, relationships, work situations, etc. Just living each day and aging brings change.
Some changes are surprises, some changes you initiate, and some changes just feel inevitable. That's why adaptability is a critical life skill.
Adaptability is defined as the ability to adjust to new conditions or circumstances. Tapping into your strengths related to your adaptability can mean the difference between excessive worry and stress versus dealing with changes on your terms.
Embracing your adaptability strengths will help you choose work environments, relationships, and social situations where you will thrive and avoid those that will drag you down. to learn more about the role that Your Perceptual Style plays in your view of change.
You would think that human beings, given their hard-wiring to seek community, would have found a solution to interpersonal conflict eons ago. No such luck. In fact, interpersonal conflict is a natural outcome of human interaction. People see the world differently, have different values and expectations, and don't always share the same goals or options.
It's helpful to keep in mind that everyone wants to belong and be valued, and no one wants to be disliked. If you can start from the assumption that other people mean well and don't intend to irritate or insult you, it's easier to realize they just don't see the situation the same way you do (most likely, they have a different Perceptual Style).
When you keep this concept in mind, it takes some of the stings out of disconnects. It's not personal; it's a different perspective.
Some conflict in your life is inevitable. Whether the conflicts are minor or severe, you possess natural skills to help you deal effectively with opposition and disagreement. to learn more about the role that Your Perceptual Style plays in your approach to conflict.
The essence of Leadership is defined as inspiring and guiding a group of people to achieve a common goal. At the core, leadership combines art and science to attract followers, point out a direction, then guide and influence your followers to achieve objectives.
Many will try to sell you on the idea that effective leadership is a one-size-fits-all proposition. Or that if you're not naturally outgoing or authoritative or visionary, you can't be an effective leader. It's just not true. Real leadership success happens from the inside out - using your natural strengths to guide and inspire others to great achievement.
Everyone has the capacity to be an effective, even exceptional, leader. There’s not just one set of traits or behaviors that guarantee success. There is YOUR way to be a leader, built on your natural strengths. to learn more about the role that Your Perceptual Style plays in your approach to Leadership.
Learning Preferences
Learning as an adult is a different experience than when you are a child. The primary driver of that difference is that adult learning is much more self-directed.
There are three general learning Methods: Visual (pictures, graphs, written word), Auditory (stories, songs, discussions), and Kinesthetic (experiential, activities, role-playing).
Because of your Perceptual Style, you respond to all three learning methods but prefer a unique combination of the learning methods to maximize your knowledge and growth. to learn more about the role that Your Perceptual Style plays in your learning preferences.
Persuasion (a.k.a "Sales")
Persuasion is the act of convincing others to agree with your point of view, adopt a particular perspective, or take a course of action you suggest. It's the process of presenting information and reasons that motivate or change someone else's thinking.
Just like the word "sales", we think of persuasion as positive when the intentions and results are positive for both parties and negative when the intentions are manipulative and the results aren't in the other person’s best interest.
These skills help you interact effectively with others at home and work. Imagine what planning a family vacation would be like if you didn't have persuasion skills! to learn more about the role that Your Perceptual Style plays in your approach to sales.
In its simplest form, self-motivation is the ability to get yourself to do something. It creates personal enthusiasm and inspiration to take action.
Self-Motivation is the catalyst for goals you make for yourself. Self-motivation creates your desire to accomplish your goals, establishes your commitment to action, and helps you overcome your fears of the unknown or failing.
Self-Motivation is a critical life skill because it keeps you putting one foot in front of the other every day. Self-motivation is what spurs you to action for both what you want to do and what you need to do. to learn more about the role that Your Perceptual Style plays on your motivation.
Once you understand your Perceptual Style there are so many practical applications in your life! Here are just a few:
(Click on a topic below for more information)
Accelerate your success and personal growth
Your life experience plays an important part in how you express your Perceptual Style. It’s the key factor in determining which of your many natural skills you are currently using and which are just waiting for you to discover.
If you are curious about how your life experience influences your actions and you want to accelerate your use of your natural skills, then check out our advanced program Live Your Talents which combines Celebrate You! with our one-of-a kind Recognized Strengths Profile™!