Our Book is Live on Amazon

Blog - Unlock the Power of Your Perception is available in Amazon

Picture of Lynda-Ross Vega Co-author of Unlock the Power of Your Perception and Your Talent AdvantageAfter 30 years of talking about writing a book, we’ve finally done it! Unlock the Power of Your Perception is now live on Amazon in eBook and paperback formats!

I was sharing some stories about the writing process with a dear friend recently and she asked me two great questions – “What was the motivation to write a book in the first place?” and “Why now?”. We had a great conversation around these two questions, and I’d like to share the highlights of my answers with you now.

When Gary and I first developed Perceptual Style Theory™ we were primarily motivated by curiosity about perceptual differences, how to understand more about them, and how to apply that knowledge in our own careers.

Along the way, Perceptual Style Theory became an intrinsic part of our lives. It helped us uncover our own strengths, guided us in our working relationship, and helped both of us in our family lives. As other people learned more about the theory and applied it in their lives, they had similar positive experiences.

The magic of Perceptual Style is the reality that, in the process of discovering your own strengths, you begin to understand and value the strengths of other people. It puts human differences in perspective and guides you towards meaningful connection with other people.

Our motivation for writing the book was to share the power of Perceptual Style Theory with the world, outside of our coaching practice. If our book helps one person claim their own strengths and create meaningful relationships, then we’ve made a difference that we hope will have a ripple effect.

The answer to “why now” is simple – because it felt like the right time. In difficult times such as the pandemic and contentious politics, people need tools that help them to see our shared humanity and to see differences as interesting and beneficial instead of threatening.

We hope you will pick up a copy of Unlock the Power of Your Perception. The eBook is specially priced at .99¢ through December 25th.

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To find out more about the services we have available to help you find the success you want and deserve go to https://thepowerofyourperception.com.

© Vega Behavioral Consulting, Ltd., All Rights Reserved

About Lynda-Ross Vega

Lynda-Ross Vega is a partner at Vega Behavioral Consulting, Ltd. She specializes in helping corporate leaders, entrepreneurs, and individuals with interpersonal communications, team dynamics, personal development, and navigating change. Lynda-Ross is co-creator of Perceptual Style Theory, a revolutionary behavioral psychology theory and assessment system that teaches people how to unleash their natural strengths and build the life and career they dream of. For free information on how to succeed in business and in life doing more of what you do best, visit https://thepowerofyourperception.com.

For additional information on Lynda-Ross Vega, please click here

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