Vision Perceptual Style and Leadership
(Please click on the picture above to see a three minute presentation on the Vision Perceptual Style)
Dan’s Perceptual Style™ is VISION.
Dan perceives the world as a place of infinite possibilities, full of options and opportunities, which build toward his vision of the future.
He sees life as a constant challenge to which he must react quickly and instinctively.
What means the most to Dan is the opportunity to have an impact, make a difference, and leave his mark.
In a world of possibilities, Dan is excited about turning them into realities.
He faces the realities of a situation with serious intent and an optimistic perspective that a solution will be found and confidence that if one is not, there are always other alternatives to explore.
For Dan, life is an exciting, chaotic, and fast-moving adventure that requires improvisation and rapid ad-hoc decision making.
Dan is a natural Leader. His ability to inspire others with visions of the future and what could be draws others to him for his leadership. Dan sees leadership as a vibrant activity in which he influences, cajoles, coaxes, and directs others to keep them moving forward to accomplishment.
People often refer to Dan’s leadership approach as “visionary”; he actively recruits others to join in with his persuasive and charismatic communication and his optimistic attitude.
Others may try to sell you on the idea that effective leadership is a one-size-fits all proposition. Or that if you're not naturally outgoing, authoritative, or visionary, you can't be an effective leader. It's just not true.
Real leadership success happens from the inside out - using your natural strengths to guide and inspire others to great achievement.
You see, leadership is not about being famous, nor is it just a title or a role – it is a state of being. Leadership is not a process of wearing different hats for different occasions or copying someone else’s approach – it’s a process of being true to your natural strengths.
Everyone has the capacity to be an effective, even exceptional, Leader. There’s not just one set of traits or behaviors that guarantee success. There is YOUR way to be a Leader – building on your natural strengths.
Do you know what your natural Strengths are?
The different ways individuals perceive the world form the basis for their natural potential, strengths, and the way they interact with others. You use your senses to “see” the world around you, make meaning of it, and base your actions accordingly. You may call this process being “YOU”. We call this Perceptual Style™!
Your Perceptual Style is the foundation of all your natural strengths, leadership included! How you see the world and make it meaningful to you has everything to do with how you lead most effectively.
The decisions you make, the actions you take, and the directions you choose are all influenced by your Perceptual Style because it defines reality for you.
Have you ever purchased a “how to” book on Leadership that helped others…but didn’t help you? More than likely, the author who wrote the book has a Perceptual Style different than yours, and their proposed solution was based on a person with the author’s own style in mind, which isn’t “natural” for you.
The more you know about your Perceptual Style, the more you can tap into your natural strengths and potential. That’s because there’s an extensive set of skills and behaviors that naturally align with each Perceptual Style.
Perceptual Style Theory™, created by Gary M. Jordan, PhD, and Lynda-Ross Vega, defines six unique Perceptual Styles.
The alignment of skills and behaviors with Perceptual Style exists because people naturally see the things associated with their Perceptual Style. Those things are easy for them to grasp, understand, and use.
Have you met all of our Perceptual Style representatives? Press the blue tabs below to read about each specific Perceptual Style.
The people above represent each Perceptual Style—Tina is Activity, Pam is Adjustments, Matt is Flow, Anne is Goals, Jack is Methods, and Dan is Vision. Who did you identify with most?
Not Sure? Would you like to get a taste of what your Perceptual Style and a few of your strengths may be?
We’ve created an introductory sample assessment just for YOU!
The essence of leadership is defined as “organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal”. At the core it’s the combination of art and science to attract followers, point out a direction, then guide and influence your followers to achieve objectives.
Leadership doesn’t happen in a vacuum. You can’t lead if you don’t have followers. It’s the experience of the followers coupled with the level of success in achieving common goals that puts the stamp of “great leader” or “inept leader” on your leadership résumé.
Each Perceptual Style has a specific set of unique natural skills and strengths that support being a Leader:
You lead by using relationships to manage power. You cultivate relationships with others through casual interaction and the exchange of information.
You explain the guidelines within which things are to be done and encourage others to experiment to find the most effective way to get results.
You are skilled at coordinating complex tasks, activities, and ideas involving many people and directions.
You strive to make things fun and lively and ensure your followers have many things to accomplish together but feel appreciated and recognized as individuals.
You lead most effectively with objective observation and data rather than immersion in the fray.
Your leadership guidance is thoughtful and thorough, and you take time to contemplate a situation and consider all possible paths and directions.
You lead by providing others with clarification, explanation, and illumination of reality. You educate, describe, and provide details that allow people to respond effectively to that reality.
You are aware of the complexities of leadership and use the perspective oversight provides you to see how all the details fit together.
You lead followers who are attracted to the direction you take based on shared values.
You use community, communication, and a network of personal relationships to create a strong and effective power base.
You are patient and work to ensure everyone has been properly prepared and is on board. In this way you build a consensus for your leadership direction.
When focused on those outside your group of followers, your communication is more direct and forceful. It paints a clear and compelling picture of what your followers believe and oppose.
You are a strong commander who attracts followers with a style that provides practical direction and action during chaos and crisis.
Your bold approach builds morale, motivation, and a ‘can do’ attitude in your followers.
You are willing to make quick decisions and move into action confidently to take advantage of opportunities.
You have the capacity to keep your focus and see the correct path at critical junctures. You relish the challenge of bringing structure to disorder and look forward to the challenges such situations provide.
You see leadership as a process where you establish a clear plan that unfolds logically based on an analysis of evidence and unbiased observation.
You build credibility and loyalty with your reputation for personal reliability and fair dealing.
You communicate with your followers in a sensible and matter-of-fact manner about the data and the method of analysis to bring them up to speed and get them on board with your leadership direction.
You are clear about what can and cannot be accomplished with the available resources.
You are a dynamic, energetic risk-taker who inspires, encourages, and motivates followers with your intense, optimistic commitment to the strategic direction.
You know that there is a myriad of forces that create opportunities and setbacks. You guide your followers with unwavering positivity and a constant eye on the final destination.
You are adept at keeping alternative options open even as you pursue the current best possibility.
Your followers look to you for guidance, and you are an excellent advisor who can provide them with unexpected but workable strategies.
Vision Perceptual Style and the Art and Science of Leadership
Each Perceptual Style shines naturally in different situations. But no one Perceptual Style is better at leadership than the others. Each can be exceptional at leading in a crisis situation or in times of quiet growth and transformation. What will differ is the culture different leaders create for their followers.
Every Perceptual Style has leadership “blind spots” – things they just don’t see or value without purposely developing awareness. Many “would be Leaders” struggle with blind spots. Awareness is the critical factor – you can’t mitigate a blind spot if you are denying it or oblivious of it.
Being the best Leader you can be involves tapping into your natural leadership skills, knowing where you shine, knowing what will challenge you, and having ready tactics to mitigate those challenges.
This is where the combination of art and science comes into play.
Use your natural strengths to guide and inspire others to great achievement

The Be the Leader You Were Born to Be action guide builds on what you learned about your Perceptual Style in Celebrate You! and provides you with practical, usable information about the art and science of leadership. You'll Learn:
The natural leadership strengths that are yours because of your Perceptual Style.
The EXACT situations that set you up to shine as a leader.
The leadership blind spots that can challenge you and cause you to stumble.
Specific techniques to mitigate and avoid stumbles while still being true to who you are.
How to maximize the scenarios where you shine and minimize scenarios where you could stumble.
How to become the leader you’ve always known you could be.
Be The Leader You Were Born To Be is based on YOUR Perceptual Style – there’s a separate action guide for each style.
Become the leader you were born to be - it's as easy as:
Take the Perceptual Style Assessment and review your results in Celebrate You!
Order the copy of Be The Leader You Were Born To Be that matches your Perceptual Style
Follow the easy steps in Be The Leader You Were Born To Be to:
✔ Maximise your leadership strengths,
✔ Mitigate your leadership challenges, and
✔ Attract and lead followers to successful achievement!
Already know your Perceptual Style?
Order the Leadership book that matches you: