Estilo de Percepción llamado Metas y la Colaboración
(Por favor, haga clic en la imagen de arriba para ver una presentación de tres minutos sobre el Estilo de Percepción llamado Metas)
El Estilo de Percepción™ de Anne es METAS.
Anne percibe el mundo como una serie de tareas que deben completarse. Nada tiene una prioridad más alta.
Prospera en los desafíos y oportunidades planteados por problemas inmediatos que deben resolverse, y cree que hay una única manera correcta de resolverlos.
Anne ve un mundo de opciones claras y simples con poca ambigüedad y poco gris. Sabe que la manera correcta es la más simple y directa. Cuando se abordan los problemas centrales, el problema está resuelto; los detalles no son importantes y se cuidarán por sí mismos.
Anne desconfía de la complejidad, la sutileza y las soluciones que evolucionan lentamente con el tiempo. El mundo es difícil pero no complejo, y ella desestimará los matices y la sutileza.
Se acerca al mundo con una energía intensa y tiene un alto nivel de resistencia que le permite esforzarse mucho después de que otros se han rendido.
En cuanto a la colaboración, Anne valora su independencia, por lo que utiliza sus habilidades de colaboración cuando ve un propósito y beneficio específicos. Se esfuerza por lograr los resultados de colaboración que desea y comparte de buena gana el reconocimiento del éxito con los demás involucrados. Anne a menudo introduce un poco de competencia en sus colaboraciones como una forma de fomentar resultados de alta calidad.
Collaboration fuels camaraderie and achievement.
As human beings, we share an innate desire for connection, belonging, and growth.
Collaboration, the art of working together towards a common purpose, is an essential thread that weaves through the fabric of our lives.
It transcends barriers, nurtures innovation, and fosters collective progress.
Whether it's within our families, friendships, school activities, or work and social environments, collaboration plays an integral role in shaping our experiences and outcomes.
Collaboration is more than just a desirable trait; it is a critical life skill that enables us to navigate challenges, foster meaningful relationships, and achieve collective goals.
The Goals Perceptual Style and Collaboration
Collaboration reminds us that everyone brings unique ideas and approaches. That's what makes collaboration such a valuable skill set to have in life.
When we collaborate, we create and accomplish things together that are not only better but also more enjoyable than what we could achieve on our own.
It's about embracing the diversity of thoughts and perspectives that others offer, working hand in hand to achieve shared goals.
When we collaborate we unlock the potential for richer experiences, greater creativity, and a stronger sense of connection with those around us.
Great collaboration starts with understanding the strengths you bring to the table and being open to the different strengths others bring.
That’s because people perceive the world differently, and this differing perception leads to different natural strengths, different conclusions about what is important, how things should be done, and what is the “truth” of any situation.
Perceptual Style Theory™, created by Gary M. Jordan, PhD, and Lynda-Ross Vega, defines six unique Perceptual Styles.
Perceptual Style represents a unique grouping of fundamental aspects of being human that results in a distinctive experience and characteristic behaviors.
Have you met all of our Perceptual Style representatives? Press the blue tabs below to read about each specific Perceptual Style.
The people above represent each Perceptual Style—Tina is Activity, Pam is Adjustments, Matt is Flow, Anne is Goals, Jack is Methods, and Dan is Vision. Who did you identify with most?
Not Sure? you like to get a taste of what your Perceptual Style and a few of your strengths may be?
We’ve created an introductory sample assessment just for YOU!
The more you know about your Perceptual Style, the more you can tap into your natural strengths and potential. That’s because there’s an extensive set of skills and behaviors that naturally align with each Perceptual Style.
The alignment of skills and behaviors with Perceptual Style exists because people naturally see the things associated with their Perceptual Style. Those things are easy for them to grasp, understand, and use.
Awareness of the other five Perceptual Styles and how they differ from you provides incredible insights about your relationships with family and friends.
Here are some examples of how each Perceptual Style approaches Collaboration:
You bring energy and generate enthusiasm for group efforts.
You build relationships quickly and enjoy being with others, whether for work or play.
You initiate activities and encourage others to participate with you.
Your excitement infuses others with energy, and you suggest new ways to approach routine tasks or problems that result in creative alternatives.
You value collaboration and cooperation over competition.
You easily assume a mediator role, using your objective observation and natural impartiality to help choose solutions to problems.
You provide others with access to whatever sources of knowledge will improve their value to the tasks at hand.
With your natural sense of diplomacy, you skillfully work through issues between group members to enhance cooperation.
You know working together always produces better results than working alone.
You read the interactions between people, constantly checking for and mitigating barriers that inhibit group progress.
You facilitate a group’s well-being by subtly ensuring that each person has a stake in the team’s existence and it's success.
You make sure everyone's opinion is heard and everyone's contribution is recognized.
You value your independence and enter into collaboration when there is a specific purpose and benefit.
You unify others around a common purpose.
You are skilled at identifying who brings the necessary talents to achieve a specific plan, and you recruit them to join you.
You organize teams for specific functions and quickly disband the teams when your objectives have been met.
You see the benefit of teamwork when everyone contributes skills of equal value and plays by the same rules.
You are comfortable functioning independently, and while you enjoy the camaraderie of collaboration, you don’t seek it out.
You champion clear expectaions and accountabilities for everyone involved in a collaboration.
You are at your best in collaborations with a logical plan designed to produce specific, concrete, measurable results.
You are a dynamic collaborator who energizes and catalyzes people into action.
You communicate a sense of urgency and model a vitality that makes things happen.
You are quick to recognize the abilities and potential in others and are adept at finding activities for them that take advantage of their talents.
You do not build or maintain collaboration solely for the sake of working with others; instead, you see collaboration as a resource to be used strategically to accomplish your agenda.
Understanding how each Perceptual Style approaches collaboration allows you to rely on other’s strengths, focus on what needs to be done, and mitigate communication disconnects.
Documenting YOU has never been easier. The Internet-based Celebrate You! assessment takes 30-40 minutes and if you are interrupted, you can save your answers and continue at a later time. All the questions are neutral and noninvasive: you’ll be asked to rate which adjectives you most identify with, creating a highly accurate psychological portrait. And best of all, you’ll receive your results and the Celebrate You! action guide within a few minutes after you submit your assessment.
Imagine the personal confidence and self-esteem that will be yours with information like this at your fingertips:

Social Interaction is essential to your life. What's also interesting is that you will thrive in some social situations and surroundings and be miserable in others. Why continue guessing which is which?
Communication is vital. We all want to be understood, yet we experience disconnects with others that get in the way. How you see the world and make it meaningful to you has everything to do with how you express yourself and how you listen. Why not tap into your communication strengths right now to ensure the important connections you want?
Self-motivation spurs you to action for what you want to do and what you need to do. Why waste time with procrastination when you have the natural skills to tame it?
Some conflict in your life is inevitable. Whether the conflicts are minor or severe, you possess natural skills to help you deal effectively with opposition and disagreement. Why suffer through another uncomfortable conflict with someone you care about when you could use your strengths to diffuse and resolve the situation easily?
Change is constant; it's part of your daily life. Your adaptability strengths mean the difference between excessive worry and stress versus dealing with changes on your terms. Isn’t time to bring your strengths related to change out in the open?
Real leadership success happens from the inside out - using your natural strengths to guide and inspire others to great achievement. You are presented with opportunities to lead every day, in all aspects of your life. Why not harness your natural leadership skills and take the stress out of leading?
Persuasion is a critical life skill. Convincing others to agree with your point of view, adopt a particular perspective, or take a course of action you suggest is something you need to do every day – at work, at home, at school, with friends. Why not tap into your natural abilities to persuade with ease and confidence?
You don’t need this critical information about you someday…you need it now!
This is your key to deaing with collaboration YOUR way!
Here is the best part - Celebrate You! is yours today for only $6.95
That’s right -- for the price of one or two beverages at your local coffee shop you'll get a blueprint for unleashing your natural potential for success. (And honestly, isn't turning your life into the success you deserve worth $6.95 to you?)
You'll receive:
Our revolutionary Perceptual Style Assessment™ that reveals how you experience the world around you and how your interpretation of events and ideas directly influences your natural strengths and skills.
Your personal results filled with descriptions and details about your specific natural skills and strengths, including quick practical application tips and exercises so you can put your results to work for you right away.
Why wait another minute wandering through life without the information you need to live the life you deserve?

Discover the details about your Perceptual Style and personal strengths. Learn on how to apply your strengths in your life with the easy to use practical application tips and exercises.

Results and Debrief
Accelerate your understanding and practical application by adding a 20-minute one-on-one session with a Certified Perceptual Style coach as your guide for an additional $40 (Total package is $46.95)
Turbo Charge Your Results
Uncover your unique use of your strengths with pinpoint accuracy!
Curious about which of your natural strengths you are using, and which are dormant? Want to tap into more of your natural strengths quickly and easily?
Our Recognized Strengths Profile™ assessment will give you a point-in-time view of exactly which of your natural strengths you are using to your advantage, which are waiting for you to recognize them, and a clear plan for using more of your natural strengths in your life. The RSP builds on the results from your Perceptual Style Assessment for an extremely accurate picture of where you are on the path to embracing your natural strengths.
Combo Package Self-Study
Harness the power of your Perceptual Style and your personal expression of your strengths in your daily life for only $15.95.
Combo results and Debrief
Fast-track your understanding and create your personal action plan with a 45-minute one-on-one session with a Certified Perceptual Style coach as your guide for an additional $97 (Package price is $112.95)