image of Allison Rapp providing testimonial on Celebrate You
  •  Allison Rapp providing testimonial on Celebrate You

    "What I love about Perceptual Styles is the way my unique talents got so much bigger in my own eyes as I began to understand my style and make intentional choices about how I use it." 

    "Before I took the assessment, I had been discounting a lot of the things that other people value about me, simply because  they're easy for me.  I thought that meant everyone could do those things, and it was a huge revelation to me that most people can't do what seems easy and natural for me!


Now that you have read your Celebrate You! results...

...would you like to discuss them with one of our coaches?

Perceptual Style™ is so much more than just an interesting tool to help you recognize your natural talents.  It provides context about what you do well, and what you find challenging.  It provides perspective on things you think are your weaknesses.  Perceptual Style gives you incredible insights into your skills and behaviors AND it also explains the differences you experience between you and the people in your life.  


When you apply Perceptual Style in your life, the results are nothing less than amazing.  Greater confidence, improved communication, stronger contentment and enjoyment being you. 


Enhance the practical application of Perceptual Style in your life and reap the benefits faster with a 30-minute debrief with Lynda-Ross or Gary. 



Use your natural strengths and skills in your daily life

Life is too short not to enjoy it fully.

There are people anxious to tell you what you should do better and that if you only try harder, you can improve and find enjoyment and happiness.

While doing your best and striving to improve are admirable goals, the trick is to make sure you are focused on your natural gifts and talents…not someone else's.

So how do you know what your natural gifts and talents are? The Celebrate You! assessment and action guide!

You’ll discover your natural strengths in critical life skills that you use every day:

Collaboration: Teamwork and Cooperation
Perceptual Styles and Collaborations

Interacting in cooperation with others is a fundamental part of life, and it's a critical ingredient for families, friendships, school activities, and work and social environments. Practically every aspect of your life is an opportunity for collaboration.

Collaboration is at the core of participating in community—whether that community is your family, workplace, friends, or other groups of people.

Yet collaboration can be very challenging because we must deal with people who see things differently than we do and have different strengths and weaknesses. to learn more about the role that Your Perceptual Style plays in your approach to Collaboration.


Personal relationships can be the most challenging relationships – but you already know that! From a special someone, life partner, or spouse, to parents, children, siblings, grandparents and extended family, these are the people who form the inner circle of our lives, the people we love.

We expect more from our personal relationships than our friendships or work relationships because the emotional bonds are stronger and are built on shared experience that grow over time. These are the people we look to for love, understanding, trust, loyalty, respect, kindness, forgiveness, shared values, companionship, affection, attention, sympathy, encouragement, acceptance. That’s a lot of pressure to put on a relationship! It’s no wonder these relationships need extra attention and commitment.

One fascinating aspect of personal relationships many people overlook is related to Perceptual Style. It’s very likely your loved ones won’t share the same Perceptual Style you do. to learn more about the role that Your Perceptual Style plays in your relationships.

Perceptual Styles and Change
Perceptual Styles and Communications

We all want to be understood. So, we search for the right words and the right tone to convey our message. We often fail to recognize that each of us has a built-in communication filter and because of that filter, what we mean isn't always what others hear and vice versa.

Disconnects in communication happen to all of us. It’s not because we’re not smart enough, and it’s not because other people aren’t smart enough. It’s not because you aren’t listening or trying to connect. It’s because the words you choose, the meaning you intend, and the triggers you hear are influenced by your Perceptual Style.

Words are a code we put on our thoughts and ideas in order to communicate our intention and meaning to others. The code you use daily to speak, write, and listen is highly dependent on how you perceive the world. to learn more about the role that Your Perceptual Style plays in your communications.

Adaptability (a.k.a "Change")

Change is constant; it's part of your daily life. There are changes in the weather, the economy, relationships, work situations, etc. Just living each day and aging brings change.

Some changes are surprises, some changes you initiate, and some changes just feel inevitable. That's why adaptability is a critical life skill.

Adaptability is defined as the ability to adjust to new conditions or circumstances. Tapping into your strengths related to your adaptability can mean the difference between excessive worry and stress versus dealing with changes on your terms.

Embracing your adaptability strengths will help you choose work environments, relationships, and social situations where you will thrive and avoid those that will drag you down. to learn more about the role that Your Perceptual Style plays in your view of change.

Perceptual Styles and Change
Perceptual Styles and Conflict

You would think that human beings, given their hard-wiring to seek community, would have found a solution to interpersonal conflict eons ago. No such luck. In fact, interpersonal conflict is a natural outcome of human interaction. People see the world differently, have different values and expectations, and don't always share the same goals or options.

It's helpful to keep in mind that everyone wants to belong and be valued, and no one wants to be disliked. If you can start from the assumption that other people mean well and don't intend to irritate or insult you, it's easier to realize they just don't see the situation the same way you do (most likely, they have a different Perceptual Style).

When you keep this concept in mind, it takes some of the stings out of disconnects. It's not personal; it's a different perspective.

Some conflict in your life is inevitable. Whether the conflicts are minor or severe, you possess natural skills to help you deal effectively with opposition and disagreement. to learn more about the role that Your Perceptual Style plays in your approach to conflict.


The essence of Leadership is defined as inspiring and guiding a group of people to achieve a common goal. At the core, leadership combines art and science to attract followers, point out a direction, then guide and influence your followers to achieve objectives.

Many will try to sell you on the idea that effective leadership is a one-size-fits-all proposition. Or that if you're not naturally outgoing or authoritative or visionary, you can't be an effective leader. It's just not true. Real leadership success happens from the inside out - using your natural strengths to guide and inspire others to great achievement.

Everyone has the capacity to be an effective, even exceptional, leader. There’s not just one set of traits or behaviors that guarantee success. There is YOUR way to be a leader, built on your natural strengths. to learn more about the role that Your Perceptual Style plays in your approach to Leadership.

Perceptual Styles and Leadership
Learning Preferences
Perceptual Styles and Learning

Learning as an adult is a different experience than when you are a child. The primary driver of that difference is that adult learning is much more self-directed.

There are three general learning Methods: Visual (pictures, graphs, written word), Auditory (stories, songs, discussions), and Kinesthetic (experiential, activities, role-playing).

Because of your Perceptual Style, you respond to all three learning methods but prefer a unique combination of the learning methods to maximize your knowledge and growth. to learn more about the role that Your Perceptual Style plays in your learning preferences.

Persuasion (a.k.a "Sales")

Persuasion is the act of convincing others to agree with your point of view, adopt a particular perspective, or take a course of action you suggest. It's the process of presenting information and reasons that motivate or change someone else's thinking.

Just like the word "sales", we think of persuasion as positive when the intentions and results are positive for both parties and negative when the intentions are manipulative and the results aren't in the other person’s best interest.

These skills help you interact effectively with others at home and work. Imagine what planning a family vacation would be like if you didn't have persuasion skills! to learn more about the role that Your Perceptual Style plays in your approach to sales.

Perceptual Styles and Sales
Perceptual Styles and Motivation

In its simplest form, self-motivation is the ability to get yourself to do something. It creates personal enthusiasm and inspiration to take action.

Self-Motivation is the catalyst for goals you make for yourself. Self-motivation creates your desire to accomplish your goals, establishes your commitment to action, and helps you overcome your fears of the unknown or failing.

Self-Motivation is a critical life skill because it keeps you putting one foot in front of the other every day. Self-motivation is what spurs you to action for both what you want to do and what you need to do. to learn more about the role that Your Perceptual Style plays on your motivation.